Arc Data Controller - Bring-Your-Own-SSL Certs
When the Controller Pod is deployed, it is on the lookout for 2 specifically named K8s secrets - metricsui-certificate-secret
& logsui-certificate-secret
- to support BYO-certs for the monitoring stack. Basically the Controller reads the base64-encoded .pem
files from the Secrets and injects them into the Monitoring Stack using it’s File Delivery system.
At the time of writing, arcdata
CLI only handles scenario for BYO-certs in monitoring (Grafana, Kibana) in Indirect mode. Basically, what happens is because in Indirect mode az
cli uses Kubernetes API (and not ARM API), the cli logic first creates the cert with a Kubernetes client, and then deploys the CRD for the Controller directly, without ever going to ARM.
In the future perhaps the az
cli logic can be more sophisticated to first create the K8s secret, then call ARM for direct mode deploy. But in the meantime, this article combines kubectl
and az
cli to achieve the same end goal.
The problem we want to resolve is this:
If we don’t have our own CA signed certs, the microsoft/azure-arc
repo provides template files and a handy shell script to generate self-signed certs via openssl
. We run the shell script locally:
# ./ arc certs <k8s-namespace> <folder-name-to-store-certs>
./ arc certs
We see 6 files:
├── certs
│ ├── logsui-cert.pem
│ ├── logsui-key.pem
│ ├── logsui-ssl.conf
│ ├── metricsui-cert.pem
│ ├── metricsui-key.pem
│ └── metricsui-ssl.conf
We turn the 4 .pem
files above into the secrets the Controller will be looking for:
# Create namespace
kubectl create ns arc
# Read file and base64 encode without newline, store in variable
logs_base64Certificate=$(cat /certs/logsui-cert.pem | base64 -w 0)
logs_base64PrivateKey=$(cat /certs/logsui-key.pem | base64 -w 0)
metrics_base64Certificate=$(cat /certs/metricsui-cert.pem | base64 -w 0)
metrics_base64PrivateKey=$(cat /certs/metricsui-key.pem | base64 -w 0)
# Create logs UI Secret: logsui-certificate-secret
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: logsui-certificate-secret
namespace: arc
type: Opaque
certificate.pem: $logs_base64Certificate
privatekey.pem: $logs_base64PrivateKey
# Create Metrics UI Secret: metricsui-certificate-secret
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: metricsui-certificate-secret
namespace: arc
type: Opaque
certificate.pem: $metrics_base64Certificate
privatekey.pem: $metrics_base64PrivateKey
At this point, we can create the Controller however we want (direct, indirect) - because at the end of the day both methods comes down to applying the datacontroller
CRD; e.g. in Direct Mode:
az arcdata dc create --path './custom' \
--custom-location 'arc-cl' \
--name $arcDcName \
--subscription $subscriptionId \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--location $azureLocation \
--connectivity-mode direct
# Wait until Controller is ready
kubectl get datacontroller -n arc
# arc-dc Ready
Get the Monitoring endpoints:
status=$(kubectl get monitors monitorstack -n arc -o json | jq -r ".status")
logsUI_ip=$(jq -r ".logSearchDashboard" <<< $status)
metricsUI_ip=$(jq -r ".metricsDashboard" <<< $status)
echo $"logsUI: ${logsUI_ip}"
# logsUI:
echo $"metricsUI: ${metricsUI_ip}"
# metricsUI:
We add the 2 cert.pem
files to our Client Machine, in this case Windows Trusted Root Certification Authorities:
# Import certs
Import-Certificate -FilePath certs\logsui-cert.pem -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root
Import-Certificate -FilePath certs\metricsui-cert.pem -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root
Add entry to host file to simulate DNS:
# Add entry to host file to simulate DNS
$HostFile = 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts'
$logsUI = ''
$metricsUI = ''
Add-content -path $HostFile -value "$logsUI `t logsui-svc"
Add-content -path $HostFile -value "$metricsUI `t metricsui-svc"
Browse to URL, no more SSL problems:
- Grafana: https://metricsui-svc:3000
- Kibana: https://logsui-svc:5601